Saturday, April 02, 2005

Day 14

On the fourteenth day my family had breakfast and we went to Fetchin’s house which is now an art museum. We looked at the paintings and all the rooms in his house and it was really boring. My family makes me look at art a lot but I never want to. After that we went to the gift shop and Chloe and Steen got some postcards of Fetchin’s art and then we went to a famous church.

The reason why the church was famous was that lots of artists painted pictures of the church. It was made out of adobe and was painted white on the front. There were rounded edges and thick walls. We looked at the church for a couple of minutes and we went back to our car and we drove to the Taos Pueblo. I didn’t really like the inside of the church. The reason why I didn’t like it was that it had lots of gruesome paintings inside.

The Taos Pueblo was the oldest continuously inhabited dwelling in the United States. Indians have lived there for 1,200 years. It looks like a town made of adobe buildings piled on top of each other. It looks like random squares and rectangles stacked up. The people in the Taos Pueblo live without electricity or running water. They don’t have to live like this but they choose to. We looked around it and we went in some shops and we bought a peach pie. It was tasty. I looked in a shop that had lots of tomahawks and a couple of bows and a spear. I wanted to buy a bow but it was 60 dollars. It was interesting but I would not want to live that way.

We left Taos and we were going to a camping spot except the road was all icy and snowy and we couldn’t drive on it since it was closed down. We had to drive way out of our way to go around. We drove to Bandolier National Monument.


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