Day 17
We came in the dark so in the morning me and Chloe looked out of the window and saw what Canyonlands looked like for the first time. Canyonlands has lots of white and red sandstone and massive rock formations and many Juniper trees. We got an amazing campsite and it had lots of red sand. The campsite had a dried up lake bed, trees to climb, sand to play on, and rocks to scramble over. In Canyonlands there are three parts, the maze, island in the sky, and needles. The maze is a labyrinth made of gigantic sandstone rocks. It is rocks jumbled all over the place. Island in the sky is a high plateau that goes on for miles. Needles are like sewing needles for giants. They look like stripped pillars that reach up to the sky. They have red, orange, white and yellow stripes of color. I like how needles looks.
We climbed on all of the rocks near our campsite then we went on two hikes. Each was only .6 of a mile. Our family came back and I dug a cave in the dried up lake bed. After dinner we went to a ranger campfire. We learned about rodents and rabbits. Rabbits aren’t rodents. Hare babies are born with fur and their eyes open. Rabbit babies are born with no fur and eyes closed. I learned some interesting facts. When we got back we went to bed.
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