Saturday, April 09, 2005

Day 22

On the twenty-second day my family and my aunts and uncles woke up and my uncles and my dad looked near wild horse canyon for a new camping spot since our campground was full. They found one on BLM land. In BLM land you can camp where ever you want and there are no camp spots, it is called boondocking. Then we all drove to the new camping spot. Then we played games and had breakfast. Then after that my uncles, my dad, and I went on an 8.5 mile long bike ride. There were lots of hills on the bike ride. We were going to go on this short one mile trail but it said no bikes allowed. I had to ride pretty fast to keep up with my uncles. The fastest I rode on that bike trip was 23 miles per hour. There were steep hills to climb and they were hard for me to ride up. The bike trip was the best part of the day.

For the rest of the day I played cards and ate junk food. I watched Jack Jack attack on the Incredibles bonus disk and then I went to bed.


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